Maple Butcher Block FAQs

Is maple good for butcher block countertops?

Yes! In fact, we highly recommend hard maple for your kitchen countertops since it is a hard, durable, resistant to scratching, and easy to maintain wood type. Compared to other hardwoods, it is also relatively inexpensive.

In addition, maple has a light color, which can range from white to blonde to light brown - perfect for many types of kitchens! Maple also has a tight, uniform grain pattern that looks attractive. Lastly, maple is a closed-pore wood, which means it is less likely to absorb liquids and stains. More here on woods for your kitchen.

How do you seal a maple butcher block countertop?

Sealing your maple butcher block countertop involves: cleaning the surface with mild detergent and warm water, sanding the surface with a fine-grit sandpaper, and then applying the butcher block sealer your manufacturer recommends.

At Forever Joint Tops, we highly recommend you choose Waterlox® to do the job. Waterlox® is a high-grade tung oil and resin blend. Additionally, it is water-resistant, providing long lasting durability. If you're looking for a food safe, heat-resistant, and durable sealer, Waterlox® is the way to go for your maple countertop. In addition to sealing, consider using cutting boards when using knives on your butcher block countertop, to avoid scratching and denting. Between a sealer and cutting boards, you can keep your maple wood looking great for years to come!

Is oak or maple better for countertops?

Oak and maple are both great choices for countertops. To start, oak has a warm, light color and a tight grain pattern that gives it a rustic, natural look. It's also really durable and can withstand scratches, dents, and heat. Oak is especially popular for commercial applications. By contrast, maple has a lighter color (usually a light blonde) and a uniform appearance. It's also just as durable as oak and can resist scratches, dents, and heat.

Maple is a beautiful choice for many modern or classic kitchens. In the end, both materials can be finished to be smooth and resistant to stains and bacteria. It all comes down to personal preference and what you'll be using your countertops for.

What countertop looks good with maple?

When it comes to countertop colors, there are many that will look right at home when paired with maple. For example, maple's light blonde color will look good with, white, black, gray, beige, brown, and blue. Depending on the color you choose, you'll get a classic, modern, or natural look.

How many different types of maple wood are there?

There are two main different types of maple wood: hard maple and soft maple. The hard maple species (which Forever Joint Tops uses), includes Sugar maple, Rock maple, Black maple, and Florida maple. Soft maple includes the Red maple, Silver maple, Bigleaf maple, and Striped maples species. Read more info here about maple wood.

Ready to start your maple butcher block order? Contact Forever Joint Tops here, or place your butcher block order here today!

Further Reading: