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Forever Joint Tops recognizes the concerns of visitors to our corporate web site as to our collection and use of private information provided to us. This Privacy Statement addresses such concerns. This Privacy Statement may be updated from time to time without prior notice, so please check back occasionally.

Access to our web site does not require disclosure of personal information. However, there are some sections of our site that allow visitors access to certain company-specific information and materials. Forever Joint Tops asks that visitors to these sections of the site voluntarily and knowingly fill out a registration form before viewing or downloading information from this section. The registration form requires you to provide us with personal information, such as your address, telephone number, e-mail address, and the like.

Any personal information collected by Forever Joint Tops on this web site is collected to allow us to tailor our web site to better meet our visitors needs. For instance, we may on a one time basis, use this information for the purpose of providing additional product information and/or services for the products and services that you inquired about. Forever Joint Tops will never sell, share, or give your personal information to any third party outside of Forever Joint Tops.


Like many companies, we sometimes use cookie technology on our web site to obtain non-personal information from online visitors. A cookie is a small text file that a web site can place on your computer’s hard drive in order, for example, to collect information about your activities on the site or to determine whether you are a new or repeat visitor to the site. The cookie transmits this information back to the web site’s computer, which generally speaking, is the only computer that can read it. The cookie does not obtain any personal information about you or provide any way to contact you. Most consumers do not know that cookies are being placed on their computer when they visit web sites. If you want to know when this happens, or to prevent it from happening, you can set your browser to warn you when a web site attempts to place a cookie on your computer. You can also set your browser to reject cookies. You will still be able to visit our web site after setting your browser to reject cookies, but your browsing capabilities may be somewhat affected.


Forever Joint Tops does not knowingly or intentionally collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. Forever Joint Tops will not retain any communication we receive that is identified as being from a child under 13 years of age. If you are under the age of 13 and would like to register at this web site, please ask a parent or guardian for assistance.

Terms of Use

We also ask that you review our Terms of Use.

Questions or Comments

Please contact Forever Joint Tops via e-mail at anthony@fjtops.com or telephone at 608-566-6903 with questions or comments regarding this Privacy Statement.